Varied Swimming Pools Lines

Varied Swimming Pools Lines – Like it or not, swimming pools liners are important aspect of every swimming pool that exists in this world. Wait, before we go on, let us talk about the definition of pool lines. Pool liners are no other than the lines that can be seen extending at the side of the pool. Their use is to shape the swimming pool and define it, as different colors and styles of liners can definitely help at enchanting the swimming pool. To help people know more about pool liners, I am going to show the different kinds of pool liners that can be used.

Types of Swimming Pools Liners

Types of Swimming Pools Liners
Image Credit: @Melanie Savage

As far as I know, there are three kinds of swimming pools liners styles. The first one is the most common style, and that is no other than the overlapping style. What kind of style is this? This style is where the liner is placed above pool wall (usually vinyl liner), overlapping the pool wall. After being placed above the pool wall, the pool’s top rail is installed again, and the excess of the liner can be cut off. Another style, called the beaded style liner, is where the designer uses bead to attach the liner to the wall of the pool. This way, the liner does not have to overlap the wall, and the excessive liner does not have to be cut off. The beaded style might be more expensive, but it is more convenient for those who wants hassle-free installation.

The last common liner style is the unibead style liner. This style is different from the overlapping style and is more complicated than the beaded style. In this style, the designer uses J-hook and attached the liner to the hook to make sure that the liner is secured near by the pool wall. The designer can uses beaded too, but the beaded must have a similar design with the J-hook. This is the best kind of style for those who wants swimming pools with some decoration inside the pool.

Getting the Right Swimming Pool Liners Styles

Getting the Right Swimming Pool Liners Styles
Image Credit:

As it can be seen, there are many kinds of pool liners styles that can be picked by the resident or the designer of the swimming pool. Seeing the variation of these liner styles, I do not see the reason why designers and residents should limit themselves to the kind of liners they are going to install. Do not be afraid of choosing the right kind of liner style from the many kinds of swimming pool liners styles that exist in this world and get the right kind of style that fits the swimming pool the most.

Varied Swimming Pools Lines

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Lane lines for swimming pools – Image Credit:
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Power lines near swimming pools – Image Credit: @Official Pool Kings Designer
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Swimming pools and electric lines – Image Credit:
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Swimming pools lines style – Image Credit:
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Swimming pools under power lines – Image Credit:
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Taglines for swimming pools – Image Credit: