Having a garden at your house will make it more refreshing and beautiful. The plants inside the garden will be useful or only as the reflection of the woods or paradise. What? Yes, paradise will be at your house by choosing the great tropical garden plants at your house. It will be so relaxing and refreshing without leaving your house.
You will feel like being on your holiday anytime you want. So, what plants should be on your tropical garden? There are about thousand tropical plants in this world; however, only some of them that will proper for house’s garden.
The most popular tropical plant is palm tree. There are a lot of palm tree kinds that will be so lovely in your garden. One of them is Trachycarpus Fortunei; it is lovely and not too big. Then, Chamaerops Humilis; some people call it as dwarf fan palm. Then, you might add some woodland fern like dryopteris filix-mas or male fern and ghost lady fern. The other kind of fern is come from Australia, it is Dicksonia Antarctica.

If you want to add tropical flowers, you might choose zantedeschia aethiopica or will know it as arum lily. It is so gorgeous. Arum lily will start to fade in autumn. There are tropical fruits also that are so delicious but their trees are so big and do not proper as garden plants. However, you might add them to your great and big garden if you want.
Your great tropical garden plants will be your own paradise if you treat them in right maintenance. Do not worry, it is easy and do not need budget. You will get your holiday every time you come to your great tropical garden. You will feel like in Hawaii or Bali. So, are you ready to start making your own paradise?
Great Tropical Garden Plants